When Lindsay Lohan hit Katy Perry's MTV movie awards afterparty with something flashing red near her foot, partiers wondered if her SCRAM was screaming.
So was Lindsay busted by her booze-sniffing ankle bracelet?
Not in this case. The people behind the device or tell us there's no such warning light that would flash, even if there was a violation.
"There is a green light that comes on when the bracelet is communicating with the base station," Kathleen Brown, a spokeswoman for the device manufacturer, tells E! News. "But the bracelet and base station have to be within 30 feet of each other [for that to happen]."
"There is no indicator of any kind on the offender side if there is any kind of positive reading or a tamper," Brown continues. "There are no lights, no alarms, and no change in the testing schedule."
But that doesn't mean something didn't happen at the party. A source close to the case confirms to E! News that the SCRAM did go off for an alleged alcohol violation.The device generated a report and the court was notified.
It will now be up to Linds' probation officer, the various lawyers and the judge to sort things out. All are due in the Beverly Hills couthouse at 3 p.m.
Meanwhile, Lindsay took to her Twitter to deny any misdeeds.
"My scram wasn't set off-Its physically impossible considering I've nothing for it to go off-All of these false resports are absolutely wrong," she posted this afternoon. "They can check probation records for alcohol as i got tested YESTERDAY.
"This is all because of a FALSE accusation by tabloids& paparazzi& it is f--king digusting- I've been more than I'm compliance &feeling great."
Earlier, she tried to explain the red light special.
"My friend Johnny put a light up bracelet on my boots and someone asked me if my SCRAM was lighting up RED," she tweeted earlier. "Well it was a light up bracelet from the bathroom-regardless..paparazzi now see through black suede fringe Christian Louboutin boots? Wow!"
After LiLo and her flashing foot made an appearance at Katy's party Sunday night, she hit up somewhere super important Monday: her alcohol education class in Glendale.
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